As the dawn of Spring arrives, cultivate good financial habits and set yourself up for a rosy future.
After winter, simple things like opening a window to let in the sunlight can transform your space.
In the same way, shedding light on your finances can give you more control and peace of mind when it comes to money. Spring’s the perfect time to make sure your finances are not just in order but set to blossom in the months and years to come.
Start your financial spring clean by working out how you’re placed financially—you need to work out how much you earn, how much you owe and where your money’s going every week.
Set an overarching goal to maximise the amount you hold on to and gradually minimise the amount you owe. If you are lucky enough to be debt free turn your mind to savings.
Then set short-term and long-term goals so you know where you’re heading.
Once you’ve worked out what you’re aiming to achieve, set smaller milestones—like saving $1,000 at a time—and mark them on your calendar. That way you’ll enjoy some quick wins along the way to achieving bigger goals.
Most of us would be a lot better off if we spent less. And even if you are spending less than you earn you may be able to boost your savings and reduce debt by making additional spending cuts.
Look for ways to spend less and be creative!
Here are seven simple and practical ways to get into better financial shape this spring:
It’s true that money doesn’t grow on trees―so spring into action and get yourself into a good financial position so you can start enjoying your life. Use a budget planner to manage and plan for every cent you earn. And speak with a financial adviser. Good advice can make a big difference to how quickly your financial position improves.
Source: AMP
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